Sammy Butcher Sammy Butcher i(27067007 works by)
Gender: Male
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Pitjantjatjara ; Aboriginal Warlpiri
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Founding member of rock group Warumpi Band.

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

Big Name, No Blankets 2024 single work musical theatre

'A rock’n’roll theatre performance celebrating the phenomenal journey and impact of Australian music icons, Warumpi Band, told from the perspective of the Butcher Brothers.

'Named after Warumpi Band’s second album, BIG NAME, NO BLANKETS this rock 'n' roll theatre performance features Warumpi hits, showcasing Luritja, Warlpiri and Gumatj / Yolngu Martha languages and culture.

'Making history as the first rock ’n ’ roll band to sing in Aboriginal languages, Warumpi Band is acclaimed for creating our Black Anthems: Jailanguru Pakurnu, My Island Home and Blackfella/Whitefella.

'Warumpi Band brought hope and strength to First Peoples and united all Australians, singing truths that echoed the realities of black and white relationships in colonised lands. They amplified black voices, stories and politics while uniting all cultures with their infectious music.

'Packed with humour, iconic songs and rock star performances, BIG NAME, NO BLANKETS is a joyful show about how music can influence massive change.'

Source: Production blurb.

2024 shortlisted Sydney Theatre Awards Best Direction of a Musical
Last amended 26 Oct 2023 11:29:54
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