image of person or book cover 8833778553571479796.jpg
Cover image courtesy of publisher.
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 Please Feed the Macaws...I'm Feeling Too Indolent
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'‘Kevin Densley’s Please Feed the Macaws…I’m Feeling Too Indolent is lively as a string of firecrackers. Combining wry observations on the shortcomings of culture and politics with keen historical portraiture and a new kind of dense poetic squib - packed with a whole poem’s charge in a few short lines - the collection crackles into life on every page. His vision is both broad and specific. Broad, when he focuses on the mythic figures that shape our world - Madonna and Child, Kate Kelly in her brothers’ shadow, even Nosferatu winking from the wings - but specific in the small, delightful ways he brings them to life. Solemn-serious, building the early bridges, graceful as a cow with a cup of tea. Please Feed the Macaws is a collection that sighs, and rages, at the inanities of the world - then sets out to change them, one line and coruscating image at a time.’ - James Roderick Burns' (Publication summary) 


* Contents derived from the Port Adelaide, Port Adelaide - Enfield area, Adelaide - Northwest, Adelaide, South Australia,:Ginninderra Press , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Paris, 1877i"'Please feed the macaws,'", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 7)
Sylvia and the Loreleii"Sylvia walks a narrow path", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 8)
Rewriting, Relivingi"Rewriting an early poem", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 9)
A Change in the Atmospherei"I feel it –", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Propinquityi"Curled up dogs – plaster cast –", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 12)
Renaissance Scenei"The pretty duchess", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 13)
Hooray for Hollywoodi"High in the Hollywood Hills,", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 14)
Two Portraitsi"Gazing directly from the frame,", Kevin Densley , single work poetry

Dedication: For CRL

after Joni Mitchell, 'Woodstock'.

(p. 15)
Imponderablesi"Where do birds go", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 16)
Kate Kelly (1863-1898)i"After the 'outbreak' was over –", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 17)
Basketballi"Hairy, sweaty underarms.", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 18)
On William Hogarth's The Graham Children (1742)i"In the background, the eyes of the family cat glare", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 19)
Once a Catholic ...i"This morning, at breakfast,", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 20)
Italicised Poemi"Don't you think", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 21)
Mister Vernaculari"talked like a butcher's magpie", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 22)
Five Miles From ...i"The dog sat on the tucker box:", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 23)
Three Bushranger Trials in Beriima, New South Wales, September 1841i"There is, sometimes,", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 24)
Jack-o'-lanterni"Jack-o'-lantern,", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 25)
Definitioni"'Rival poet':", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 26)
Measures Takeni"Walking four miles near midnight", Kevin Densley , single work poetry (p. 27)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Port Adelaide, Port Adelaide - Enfield area, Adelaide - Northwest, Adelaide, South Australia,: Ginninderra Press , 2023 .
      image of person or book cover 8833778553571479796.jpg
      Cover image courtesy of publisher.
      Extent: 64p.
      •   Published 1 October 2023

      ISBN: 9781761096167

Works about this Work

Please Feed the Macaws … I'm Feeling Too Indolent by Kevin Densley (Review) James Roderick Burns , 2022 single work review
— Appears in: Antipodes , vol. 36 no. 2 2022; (p. 336-337)

— Review of Please Feed the Macaws...I'm Feeling Too Indolent Kevin Densley , 2023 selected work poetry

'Deploying a trademark blend of high and popular culture, history, and memory, Kevin Densley's latest collection strikes out for fresh territory using new and innovative forms. While not dispensing with the arch (and often tart) rollicking historical monologue that distinguishes his earlier work—"Kate Kelly (1863–1898)" being a standout of the form—Densley experiments here with radically minimal sonnets, tanka, and most often a new, pungent satirical squib, detonating with aplomb every few pages. Perhaps more than his earlier collections, too, Macaws takes prolonged and deliberate aim at a personal bugbear: the inanities of the world. It is to Densley's credit that by the collection's end, what might seem individual or idiosyncratic takes on universal resonance.'  (Introduction)

Please Feed the Macaws … I'm Feeling Too Indolent by Kevin Densley (Review) James Roderick Burns , 2022 single work review
— Appears in: Antipodes , vol. 36 no. 2 2022; (p. 336-337)

— Review of Please Feed the Macaws...I'm Feeling Too Indolent Kevin Densley , 2023 selected work poetry

'Deploying a trademark blend of high and popular culture, history, and memory, Kevin Densley's latest collection strikes out for fresh territory using new and innovative forms. While not dispensing with the arch (and often tart) rollicking historical monologue that distinguishes his earlier work—"Kate Kelly (1863–1898)" being a standout of the form—Densley experiments here with radically minimal sonnets, tanka, and most often a new, pungent satirical squib, detonating with aplomb every few pages. Perhaps more than his earlier collections, too, Macaws takes prolonged and deliberate aim at a personal bugbear: the inanities of the world. It is to Densley's credit that by the collection's end, what might seem individual or idiosyncratic takes on universal resonance.'  (Introduction)

Last amended 18 Mar 2024 10:42:51