Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 Autographics as Autoethnography : Comic Book Adventures of a Migrant Academic
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'In this paper, I utilize autographics as an autoethnographic methodology to illustrate the subjective experience of being a precariously employed migrant academic in Australia. The auto-graphic narrative, as well as the traditional text, are in dialogue with Sara Ahmed’s work on migration and estrangement, in order to explore migration both as a physical movement between countries, but also as a metaphorical movement between different forms of writing – scholarly texts and comics – and the communities associated with them – Academia and the Zine scene. Ahmed explores critical theory’s celebration of migration as a metaphor for transgression, a symbolic act of abandoning the familiar, the traditional and safe patterns of thinking to embark on adventures across borders and boundaries. My own presumptions regarding a literal migration in physical space were conflated with this metaphorical meaning, as I saw it as a liberatory move to reflect on – and re- invent – myself, breaking away from a national identity which I found stifling. My actual experience of migration turned out to be one of dislocation and isolation. In order to escape feelings of anxiety, I sought refuge in another metaphor: academia, and later the zine scene as an alternative ‘homeland,' (Publication abstract) 

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies vol. 36 no. 6 2022 26607477 2022 periodical issue 'This special section draws on research being carried out on a significant though largely hidden archive of multicultural writing held at Deakin University – the Australian Multicultural Collection (AMC)—established in 1991 by literary and cultural theorist Sneja Gunew. The goal of the AMC was to support research of multicultural groups with connections to Australia, with an emphasis on diasporic writers, artists, and interdisciplinary creatives living in Australia at the time, forming ‘the first comprehensive collection of multicultural literature in Australia’ (Gunew, Post 133). The AMC was maintained for approximately ten years via the Australian Multicultural Bicentennial Foundation. The intention was for the archive to be continually updated; however, after Gunew left Australia for Canada in the early twenty-first century, engagement with the archive dwindled, to the extent that, when Gunew attempted to donate books from her personal collection upon her retirement, she was unable to locate its whereabouts.' (Archives and autographics: reanimating diaspora in the Transpacific : Introduction) 2022 pg. 902-920
Last amended 2 Aug 2023 08:16:25
902-920 Autographics as Autoethnography : Comic Book Adventures of a Migrant Academicsmall AustLit logo Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies