Hannah-Leigh Mason Hannah-Leigh Mason i(26601732 works by)
Gender: Female
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'Hannah-Leigh Mason is a Research Assistant and Sessional Academic at  the  University  of  Queensland  and  Queensland  University of  Technology.  She  holds  a  Master  of  Philosophy  (2022)  from the  University  of  Queensland  for  her  thesis  ‘Pandemic-Proof Programming:  How  Festivals  Have  Adjusted  Their  Institutional  Dramaturgy  in  Response  to  COVID-19’,  which  examined  the sustainability of  festival programming pivots during the pandemic. Hannah is continuing her research into festival programming and its links to dramaturgical practice as a PhD candidate in the School of Communication and Arts at the University of Queensland.' (Australasian Drama Studies, Issue 82)

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Last amended 1 Aug 2023 11:03:57
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