Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 Provocation #1 Why I Make Theatre : For Now - a Theatre of the Every Day
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'Within the everyday, performance arises as a constant struggle of asserting the self within the social domain that places constraints on individual expression. Every person and environment imposes a particular brand of civilising influence, requires specific performative protocols or conventions that are measured during everyday interaction. As with an actor on stage, the performer within the everyday endures the fear of being unmasked, of hidden agendas and desires being revealed. Everyday interactions must appear natural and unrehearsed. An individual in the everyday is usually expected to keep most of their thoughts private; they are required to take responsibility for their impulses. Signs of vulnerability should be kept at bay. The everyday environment, as with conventional theatre, is governed by learned rules and protocols that ensure anarchic impulses are contained within clear parameters. Yet the field of the everyday is filled with exceptions. On continuous display is the over-riding desire of people to connect with each other in profound ways, an instinctive and all-pervading spirit that 'jolts the audience' and nullifies social restrictions that stymie genuine contact.' 

(Publication abstract)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australasian Drama Studies no. 82 1 April 2023 26601483 2023 periodical issue 'A colleague recently confessed in a seminar that they had begun as a researcher in order to garner the resources to embark on a creative work that they had long wanted to tackle, and then ‘fallen in love with research’. This narrative echoes my own, and that of many fine scholars in our discipline. We begin by wanting to make something and  emerge  with  a  fascination  for  how  things  are  made,  why  they  are made, where they sit in the context of contemporary practice and theory, where they are located culturally and geographically, and how they propel forward the quantum of knowledge in our discipline. The articles in this general issue are testament to the range of  forms  and  approaches  to  performance  currently  live  in  our  region,  and to the range of perspectives that can illuminate the expanding field of performance scholarship. As well, we have tested a change of format  in  which  we  publish  articles  of   conventional  length,  several  shorter articles and bracket the issue with two ‘provocations’, offered as departure points for future discussion.' (Yoni Prior , Editorial introduction) 2023 pg. 5-12
Last amended 1 Aug 2023 10:03:00
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