'Tessa is a thoroughbred. A young, brilliant barrister. She has worked her way up from a working-class background to be at the top of her game: defending, cross-examining and lighting up the shadows of doubt in any case. Her masterful line of questioning in the courtroom has netted Tessa win after win, freeing men accused of rape and sexual assault. As controversial as it is, this is her job - it's just about the facts and who can game the system.
'Working late one night, Tessa falls into a casual relationship with Julian, a coworker, an attorney who comes from an elite, wealthy family. A light-hearted affair, with a man she admires. She begins to wonder if perhaps there is a future for the two of them.
'One sickening night, though, Julian makes a choice and Tessa finds herself in a position countless women - one in three - have before her. And she's faced with a gut-wrenching, life-changing decision: will she take the stand to testify about her rape, with the full awareness that the system has not been built to protect her?
'Drawn from the internationally acclaimed play, Prima Facie is a propulsive, raw look at the price victims pay for speaking out and the system that sets them up to fail. With breakneck prose and a devastating emotional intensity, this is a novel for our times, by one of Australia's most important writers.' (Publication summary)
'On stage this story has won Tony and Olivier awards. But as a book set in the UK, it suffers from the extra padding – and it feels more heavy-handed, too'
'Melbourne-born playwright and now novelist Suzie Miller has rightly received extraordinary praise for her one-woman play Prima Facie, which examines how courts routinely fail victims of sexual assault. With the star impact of Killing Eve’s Julie Comer playing high-flying criminal defence barrister Tessa Ensler in London’s West End and New York City’s Broadway productions, Prima Facie has gone on to enjoy a fairytale run. No doubt seeking to further capitalise on the play’s global success, Prima Facie has now been recast as a novel.' (Introduction)
'Suzie Miller’s play Prima Facie is one of Australia’s most celebrated literary exports of recent years. After an award-winning run of performances in Australia, a production helmed by Killing Eve star Jodie Comer triumphed in London’s West End and on Broadway, garnering deserved accolades for Comer as well as a coveted Olivier Award for Best New Play in 2023.' (Introduction)
'Suzie Miller is a multi-award-winning playwright, whose one-woman play Prima Facie – after earning plaudits for Sydney’s Griffin Theatre Company – was staged in the West End, starring Jodie Comer, and won a Best New Play Olivier Award. Prima Facie ran on Broadway this year and Miller is adapting it into a film, but it has also found its way into the form of this novel.' (Introduction)
'Suzie Miller’s play Prima Facie is one of Australia’s most celebrated literary exports of recent years. After an award-winning run of performances in Australia, a production helmed by Killing Eve star Jodie Comer triumphed in London’s West End and on Broadway, garnering deserved accolades for Comer as well as a coveted Olivier Award for Best New Play in 2023.' (Introduction)
'Melbourne-born playwright and now novelist Suzie Miller has rightly received extraordinary praise for her one-woman play Prima Facie, which examines how courts routinely fail victims of sexual assault. With the star impact of Killing Eve’s Julie Comer playing high-flying criminal defence barrister Tessa Ensler in London’s West End and New York City’s Broadway productions, Prima Facie has gone on to enjoy a fairytale run. No doubt seeking to further capitalise on the play’s global success, Prima Facie has now been recast as a novel.' (Introduction)
'Each month we celebrate an Australian debut release of fiction or non-fiction in the Kill Your Darlings Debut Spotlight feature. For November that debut is Prima Facie by Suzie Miller (Pan Macmillan). Drawn from the internationally acclaimed play, Prima Facie is a propulsive, raw look at the price victims pay for speaking out and the system that sets them up to fail. We spoke to Suzie about her publishing journey and writing practice.' (Introduction)