Renee Mickelburgh Renee Mickelburgh i(26491400 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon The Ecofeminist Storyteller : Environmental Communication through Women's Digital Garden Stories Renee Mickelburgh , Cham : Palgrave Macmillan , 2024 29349486 2024 multi chapter work criticism

'This book explores the way stories that emerge from the garden and are consumed in the digital space can become a nourished method of environmental communication. Mickelburgh seeks to understand what happens when some women speak, write, and photograph their private, everyday garden lives, and share those stories with a public, global, digital world. The garden is the place people get deeply acquainted with. This book considers Australian ecofeminist Val Plumwood’s urging for a “deep acquaintance with some place, or perhaps group of places” to discover a communicative “language of the land’’. The online world brings us into closer vicinity to this humble space, and yet a distance remains. This distance—the in-between—is the space where the possibility of communication lies. In keeping with its humble focus, this book asks simple questions of the garden. What happens when Australian women gardeners tell stories of community, care and compassion in a space that is both material and digital? Does digital soundwork, sightwork, and wordwork about gardens equate to communicative groundwork? This book tries to answer these questions by examining the digital stories of Australian women’s gardening lives. It aims to engage the reader through its emphasis on showing rather than telling the way affective communication circulates in the physical place, memories, the body, and the digital realm, in conversation with the many women writers and feminist scholars concerned with the entanglement of feminism, writing, the environment, and communication.'  (Publication summary)

1 Writing Strange Letters in the Garden, with Love and Fury Renee Mickelburgh , 2023 single work criticism
— Appears in: Swamphen : A Journal of Cultural Ecology , no. 9 2023;

'French feminist philosopher Hélène Cixous says, ‘the book is a letter on the run’ ( White Ink 177) and I too have taken the letters of two Australian women gardeners on the run to create my thesis. I grasped the letters between wildflower illustrator Kathleen McArthur and poet Judith Wright and ran with them. I held them close as I grappled to understand how contemporary Australian women’s digital garden stories might work to create conditions of community and worlds in common. In corresponding about their gardens, the poet and the artist developed a deep friendship that bloomed into a broader conservation ethic and action. Their letters and deep female friendship evolved into a question about how to live in harmony with the more-than human world. They would go on to play vital roles in the protection of places I hold dear: The Great Barrier Reef, K’gari (Fraser Island) and the Cooloola National Park. As I held these letters close and analysed my own thesis findings the world around me suffered increasing, human-caused, environmental catastrophe and I felt myself writing with both love and fury, much like Wright did. I began writing strange letters to Kathleen McArthur, alongside letters to my supervisor Professor Liz Mackinlay. Through these letters I searched for what gardens said and did and felt when they were turned into stories. What happens to garden boundaries in this time of environmental love and loss, and digital connection?' (Publication abstract)