'Dedicated to all those who dare to be different. 'But he that dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.' Emily Bronte. High School English teacher and part-time knight, Damien Templar tries to follow a code of chivalry in his interactions with others. Aloof, dismissive and unattainable, Sue Crossman, Head Teacher PE pushes Damien’s chivalric actions to the limits. Juggling teaching, defending vulnerable and bullied students, how will Damien uphold his own reputation as a knight, bring change to his High School and remove the metaphorical armour Ms Crossman has built around herself? Or will he become a victim of his own ideals? Set in the pre-mobile phone 1990’s era of Gameboys and slow computers, the novel examines themes of bullying, assertiveness, heroism, fairness and above all, courage. How can both students and teachers rise above their circumstances to be the best version of themselves?' (Publication summary)