Raul Vacas Polo (International) assertion Raul Vacas Polo i(26283494 works by)
Gender: Male
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6 y separately published work icon Kindness Makes Us Strong Sophie Beer , Sophie Beer (illustrator), ( trans. Raul Vacas Polo with title Un mundo muy amable ) Madrid : Edelvives , 2021 15703843 2019 single work picture book children's

'Whether we share a toy or include someone in a game, all acts of kindness – no matter how big or small – make the world a better place.

'Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have, and in Kindness Makes Us Strong, Sophie Beer introduces us to a bunch of cute kids doing just that.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

4 4 y separately published work icon Love Makes a Family Sophie Beer , Sophie Beer (illustrator), ( trans. Raul Vacas Polo with title Familias llenas de amor ) Madrid : Edelvives , 2021 15394584 2018 single work picture book children's

'Whether you have two mums, two dads, one parent, or one of each, there's one thing that makes a family a family... and that's love.

'A book for EVERY family by dazzling illustrator Sophie Beer. ' (Publication summary)