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Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 Go Fish
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon SWAMP Salt Water no. 30 2023 26203413 2023 periodical issue

    'Salt Water covers roughly seventy percent of our planet. We are bound to our countries by oceans. We weep salt water. We sweat salt water, so that even in the middle of a desert we encounter salt water every day. In all its forms, salt water is not something we can master; whether it is tears, sweat or the sea it rises unbidden. Yet Isak Dinesen claims “The cure for anything is salt water, sweat, tears, or the sea.” This issue we asked our contributors to dive in and consider the inescapability of salt water. Inspired by our theme we received one of our highest number of submissions, and this issue we will be publishing from authors both national and international.' (Madeline Bignill, Editorial introduction)

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