y separately published work icon The Conversation newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 6 April 2023 of The Conversation est. 2011 The Conversation
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* Contents derived from the , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Eros, Beauty and Friction: What Happened When Susan Johnson Took Her 85-year-old Mother to Live on a Greek Island, Jane Messer , single work review
— Review of Aphrodite's Breath : A Memoir Susan Johnson , 2023 single work autobiography ;

'Have you ever dreamed of fleeing your current life and spending weeks or months or even a year living on an island in the Mediterranean? This is what Susan Johnson longed for and did, taking her mother with her to the Greek island of Kythera. Reading Johnson’s new memoir Aphrodite’s Breath while taking myself off for a month of writing near Naples was my second experience of living in a synchronicity of sorts with Johnson.' (Introduction)

Pastoral Ponderings and Settler Politics : How a Colonial Judge and Poet Wrote Terra Nullius into Law, Sarah-Jane Burton , single work review
— Review of Barron Field in New South Wales : The Poetics of Terra Nullius Thomas H. Ford , Justin Clemens , 2023 single work biography ;

'Governor Richard Bourke’s written proclamation of terra nullius was made on October 10, 1835. The original document now resides in the National Archives of the United Kingdom.'(Introduction)

Sydney Theatre Company’s Julia Powerfully Imagines the Life and Emotions of the Woman behind the ‘Misogyny Speech’, Camilla Nelson , single work review
— Review of Julia Joanna Murray-Smith , 2023 single work drama ;

'Just over 10 years ago, then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard stood up in the House of Representatives to deliver one of the most unforgettable political speeches in recent memory.' (Introduction)

Stripped Bare and Born Afresh : How Biographies Play a Role in the Building and Rebuilding of Political Careers, Mark Kenny , single work review
— Review of Political Lives : Australian Prime Ministers and Their Biographers Christine Wallace , 2022 single work biography ;

'After decades covering federal politics in Canberra, my embarrassment at not knowing Warren Denning’s Caucus Crisis: The Rise and Fall of the Scullin Government (1937) was partly assuaged when an older colleague revealed the same.' (Introduction)