All Dressed Up for the Death Trade single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 All Dressed Up for the Death Trade
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Art of Being Human Tehani Croft (editor), Stephanie Lai (editor), Kings Meadows : FableCroft Publishing , 2022 25907664 2022 anthology short story

    'In 2020, the world was tipped upside down and shaken in ways we could barely have imagined, except perhaps in the post-apocalyptic and dystopic worlds of story. Amidst pandemic illness and death, political machinations and despair, one of the casualties has been, at least in a financial sense, the Arts. Governments across the world have slashed funding, galleries, theatres and entertainment venues have closed amid lockdown restrictions, money is being carefully metered with jobs more uncertain than ever, meaning our creatives across all industries are suffering. And yet, more than ever, we are turning to art to stay sane in lockdown, to keep our spirits up in isolation, and to remind us that despite the hardship, there is beauty in this world.

    'This anthology seeks to remind readers of the hope and beauty of the Arts, and the way our engagement with writing, music, film, theatre, artworks in all media, and craft of all kinds are at the core of our humanity.

    'If the time since COVID began to dominate our global society has taught us anything, it is that connection is crucial to our wellbeing. These stories speak to hope, connection, community, and yes, ART, and how important these threads are to the very centre of ourselves.'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    Kings Meadows : FableCroft Publishing , 2022
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