'The 10 x 12-minute comedy series follows eight-year-old Eddie and his two best friends Lottie and Tal as they navigate the complex and often fantastical waters of childhood. Their friends are their family and the playground is their universe, one where anything and everything is possible, where imaginary friends can be real, games of rock paper scissors can take on stupendous importance and kindness, empathy and a good rap can help put anything right.'
Source: South Australian Film Corporation.
'What’s up? My name is Eddie and I’m here to say:
Kindness is the key, it’s the only way.
I love being kind, I feel it in my heart.
I need some lil’ homies to spread kindness off the charts.
'Join Eddie as he sets out to build his ‘kindness crew’ of lil’ homies, and helps kids understand acceptance and equality.
'Rap and rhyme the text out aloud to help your own lil’ homies read with confidence.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'In MY PEOPLE with Eddie's Lil' Homies children learn about Aboriginal culture.Eddie Betts is one of Australia's most well know Aboriginal AFL players. Following on from the success of his first book, MY KIND, Eddie aims to educate young Australians on Aboriginal culture which has a unique history dating back over 60 thousand years. Eddie hopes all children can have access to literacy and learning opportunities. This is Eddie's second book and it's all about sharing facts about his mob. It also makes reading fun, so rap or rhyme with your own lil' homies and share it by tagging @eddieslilhomies and #eddieslilhomies' (Publication summary)