After Reading Her Poem, I Remember the Diagnosis They Give Me single work   poetry   "Monstrous, so I speak well, as distraction or defence"
Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 After Reading Her Poem, I Remember the Diagnosis They Give Me
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Island no. 166 2022 25484464 2022 periodical issue

    'Each issue of Island is a privilege to produce and is a testament to a community of talented creatives who can transform ideas into actions and onto the pages in front of you. In this issue, in addition to our usual complement of great new fiction, nonfiction, poetry and arts features, I’m delighted to see the first fruits emerging from two special projects curated by long-time Island advocates: ‘Island Conversations’ curated by Danielle Wood (see Danielle’s introduction on p96), and Island’s ‘Graphic Narratives’ project curated by Joshua Santospirito. Both projects will extend across the three print issues of 2023, so you can expect plenty more great writing and art in Island 167, 168 and 169. Consider taking out a subscription so that you can enjoy the journey with us. Sadly, this is Ben Walter’s last issue as our Fiction Editor. Ben has brought so much to the team, also having been our inaugural Online Editor and curating Island’s nature writing project. We will miss him.' (Editorial introduction)

    pg. 77
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Best of Australian Poems 2023 Gig Ryan (editor), Panda Wong (editor), Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2023 26845870 2023 anthology poetry

    'Best of Australian Poems is an annual anthology collecting previously published and unpublished poems to create a poetic snapshot and barometer of the year that was. Capturing the richness and diversity of Australian poetry across a timeframe of 1 July 2022–1 August 2023, the series (now in its third year) will explore how poetic responses to the contemporary moment develop with each passing year.' 

    'The 2023 book opens with an introduction by its editors, highly respected poets and editors Gig Ryan and Panda Wong. Gig Ryan is one of the country’s most highly recognised and read poets, with major awards for her poetry over decades, and a prominent publication profile both here and overseas. Panda Wong is on the vanguard of Australian literature as a poet, editor and performer whose work spans the page, stage and digital space. Previous editors of this prestigious series have been Ellen van Neerven and Toby Fitch (2021), and Jeanine Leane and Judith Beveridge (2022).

    'The Best of Australian Poems (BoAP) series is published by Australia’s national poetry organisation, Australian Poetry, and will feature two different guest editors each year, to amplify the range of voices selected. It is funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and individual patrons.' (Publication summary)

    Glebe : Puncher and Wattmann , 2023
    pg. 3
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