'What do you do when your world flips upside down? You take a wild ride with your best friend, fall in love with the person you least expected, and find out that sometimes, instead of drowning, you learn to swim.
'Meet Andrea. She’s an executive accountant. Her two best friends, Lauren and Hanna, tease her about being a workaholic, but she doesn’t deny it. Andrea likes to think she’s got a handle on all aspects of her life, but she doesn’t really. For example, Andrea has no idea that Lauren has been in love with her for six years. Andrea has no idea that her life is about to implode when her mum is rushed to hospital. Andrea has no idea that there are moves afoot at work to destabilise her world. Andrea has no idea about any of this and it takes a life changing experience and falling in love with the one who’s been right in front of her the whole time to stop her from drowning. Andrea discovers that changing your life is a little like learning to swim. '
Source: Publisher's blurb.