'This student book is a study of the prescribed poems of Kenneth Slessor, along with a variety of other poems, prose fiction, and non-fiction texts. It has been designed to fulfill the requirements of the NSW Stage 6 English Year 12 Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences.
'By engaging in close reading of:
‘Wild Grapes’
‘Out of Time’
‘Vesper-Song of the Reverend Samuel Marsden’
‘William Street’
‘Beach Burial’
'alongside the following texts: Susan B. Anthony’s ‘On Women’s Right to Vote’, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s ‘The Lady of Shalott’, Ray Bradbury’s ‘The Pedestrian’, George Orwell’s ‘The Sporting Spirit’ and Geraldine Brooks’ ‘A Home in Fiction’, students will develop their knowledge of how texts provide insight into the emotions, behaviour, and motivations that form the core of human experiences.'(Publication summary)