y separately published work icon Axon : Creative Explorations periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2022... vol. 12 no. 1 2022 of Axon : Creative Explorations est. 2011 Axon : Creative Explorations
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'This issue of the Axon journal investigates ways in which contemporary poetry (and other forms of creative practice) constitute, result from or are otherwise connected to travel—whether this is understood literally or metaphorically.' (Paul Munden, Introduction)


  • Only literary material within AustLit's scope individually indexed. Other material in this issue includes:

    Postcards From Venice : Poetry and Peregrination in La Serenissima Paul Venzo

    3 Poems by Lorette C. Luzajic

    3 Poems by DeWitt Henry

    When we were There by Amy Lilwall and Rupert Loydell

    4 Poems by Kristin Sanders

    So, It is Over : An ecopoetics of travel in the poetry of Carolyn Forché and Etel Adnan by Alyson Miller

    4 Poems by Tony Kitt

    5 Poems by Helen Ivory

    With Sappho in the Antipathies by James Harpur

    3 Poems by Hoyt Rogers

    3 Poems by Susana H Case

    Serendipity and the Curious Mind : Case Study of a Poet Travelling through History by Robyn Rowland

    3 Poems by Indran Amirthanayagam

    2 Poems by Kimberly L. Becker

    3 Poems by Sally Ashton

    4 Poems by Sudeep Sen

    Travelling Pathways : A choreographic journey with loss, grief and hope by Julie Rickwood

    3 Poems by FJ Bergmann

    Bee in the Bonnet by Jonathan P. Taylor


* Contents derived from the 2022 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
C. San B.i"Each day I trip on cobbled memories. My thoughts are shredded suitcase wheels on flint", Paul Venzo , single work poetry
Fiumicinoi"Somehow it is morning. Night occurred somewhere over the desert, briefly, as oil refinery", Paul Venzo , single work poetry
A Writer's Life, Rosemary Sayer (interviewer), single work interview
C=O=D=Ai"It strobes out the walls", Jocelyn Deane , single work poetry
Natural/Transqueer Buriali"The wind is leaving", Jocelyn Deane , single work poetry
Speeding up and Slowing downi"there's immense pleasure to be had", Dominic Symes , single work poetry
Queering the Canoni"I love the phrase queering the canon", Dominic Symes , single work poetry
The 'Simultaneous Situatedness' of Video Poetry : Exploring the Dislocating Experience of Living between Localities through Poetic Form, Claire Rosslyn Wilson , single work criticism
'This paper presents a case study of videopoems made as a way to further understand translocal experiences, paying particular attention to the way the form can ‘travel’ between localities. The turn to the translocal is an endeavour to ‘deliberately confuse the boundaries of the local in an effort to capture the increasingly complicated nature of spatial processes and identities’ (Oakes and Schein 2005: 20). This paper explores the ways in which videopoetry as a form reflects the translocal process of ‘a simultaneous situatedness across different locales which provide ways of understanding the overlapping place-time(s) in migrants’ everyday lives’ (Brickell and Datta 2011: 4). Through layering poems, sound and moving images the videopoetry form has the potential to provide insight into the dislocating experience of living between localities. This paper analyses some videopoems and reflects on the relevance of the videopoetry form in the context of translocal poetry.' (Publication abstract)
Clandestinei"Nostalgia bleeds me out", Saba Vasefi , single work poetry
Weep of Whipi"The rain falls on the street", Saba Vasefi , single work poetry
'Write What You Know' Study Tours and Creativity, Glenn Moore , Kat Ellinghaus , Emma Robertson , Paul Hetherington , Cassandra Atherton , single work criticism
'The writers of this article teach at different universities. Two are Writing and Literature professors, three historians, and within those disciplines, each has a different area of interest. What unites them is a shared belief in the importance of visiting the place they are writing about, and how they all used overseas study tours to give their students the same opportunity to see a place with fresh eyes and write about it with imagination and creativity.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 6 Jul 2022 11:58:53
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