'Inside this book hides a magical town of tents that have found something special. After their struggles in Everbreen, Faith discovers an old friend. And although he survived the attacks in Kelton Whide, something tragic haunts his past.
'Inside their town, Bailey keeps the peace between the talking animals, the townsfolk and the spirits. However, when receiving the news of the melting boy, he is swept on another journey.
'Inside Central City, Perry discovers an assassin. A man who wears a paper cloak with two katanas and a deadly eye. This Papercut will kill anything that gets in his way, including the White Wolf.
'Along the train tracks, the group is in shambles. Perry and Faith must save the Blue City from the menacing Masked Ones. But the world is different once under the summit of the ocean.
'From the waterways of the Orange City to the dark depths of Drewmora, political intrigue has reached its peak. Only those with open eyes can see the truth. And in the end, when happiness is sacrificed inside this book, the world will be left in darkness.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.