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3 y separately published work icon Heads and Tails : Underwater John Canty , John Canty (illustrator), ( trans. Gaël Renan with title Tête à queue sous les eaux ) Paris : Le Genévrier , 2021 14982264 2019 single work picture book children's

'At first we can only see the sea creature's tails. Some clues help us try to identify each creature as we learn more about each one. Now, can you guess the sea creature that each tail belongs to before they are revealed once the page is turned?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

2 y separately published work icon Goodbye House, Hello House Margaret Wild , Ann James (illustrator), ( trans. Gaël Renan with title Au revoir, Maison ... ) Paris : Le Genévrier , 2020 15990677 2019 single work picture book children's

'This is the last time I'll fish in this river. This is the last time I'll run through these trees. This is the last time I'll dream by this fire. . . Goodbye, old house. Goodbye.

'A heart-warming story of letting go and starting anew, of moving from the country to the city, with a unique illustration style that allows room and space for the reader's imagination. Hello, new house. Hello!'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

4 1 y separately published work icon Heads and Tails : Insects John Canty , John Canty (illustrator), ( trans. Unknown with title Tête à queue : insectes ) Paris : Le Genévrier , 2019 13461482 2018 single work picture book children's

'You can only see my tail, what insect am I? Heads and Tails: Insects is a playful follow up book to the highly successful Heads and Tails.

'At first we can only see their tails. Some clear, simple clues add detail as we learn more about each one. Now, can you guess the insect that each tail belongs to?' (Publication summary)

4 y separately published work icon Heads and Tails John Canty , John Canty (illustrator), ( trans. Gaël Renan with title Tête à queue ) Paris : Le Genévrier , 2018 10866222 2017 single work picture book children's

'Heads and Tails by John Canty is an extraordinary children’s picture book. Leveraging the natural and universal fascination that children have with animals, the book utilises hints and recognition to build a sense of anticipation on each page, that is resolved on the following page when the identity of the animal is discovered.

'Young readers are engaged in the process of deduction by drawing on visual prompts and clues such as where an animal may live, what the animal may look like and sounds the animal makes. The effect is that each page presents an engaging yet accessible mini mystery for the child to solve. Accordingly, the young reader’s inevitable participation in the process of discovery is ensures the book’s enjoyment. ' (Publication summary)