'Deep in the mountain, something stirs...
'In the sleepy South Wales town of Anadlydraig, life is serene and simple. Until a horrific and unexpected crime seems to unleash horrors upon the community, horrors that come and go with the easterly winds.
'Now the townspeople must band together to face an ancient evil, an evil that threatens to destroy their town and their very lives.
'An evil that is carried on...
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'As you be muche the worse. and I case awaie.
An yll winde, that blowth no man to good, men saie.
Wel (quoth he) euery wind blowth not down the corn
I hope (I saie) good luck be not all out worn.'
A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the
proverbs in the Englishe tongue
John Heywood, 1546