y separately published work icon Australia Remembers series - publisher   information book   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 Australia Remembers
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y separately published work icon Anzac Day, Remembrance Day & War Memorials Allison Paterson , Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2018 23972769 2018 single work information book children's

'Every year there are special days when we remember all those who have fought in the past to keep Australia free and those who still fight today to keep us safe. On 25 April — Anzac Day — and on 11 November — Remembrance Day — we stop to think about those people and how much they have done for us. Anzac Day reminds us that, as Australians, we are proud of the Anzac spirit which has helped shape our traditions, our culture, and who we are. On Remembrance Day we honour all those who gave up so much for their country, especially those who lost their lives. Australia Remembers presents a detailed explanation of the origins and traditions of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, exploring both their connections and significance to young Australians today. The colourful traditions and symbols of these special days are described in language that is easily accessible to younger readers, helping them to understand what these mean and how important it is to remember those Australians who have fought for their country and those who keep us safe today. Australia Remembers is designed to ensure that the next generation shares the history and traditions of these important occasions.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Customs and Traditions of the Australian Defence Force Allison Paterson , Allison Paterson (illustrator), Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2021 23972820 2021 single work information book children's

'At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

'A colourful and engaging book for young readers showing the history and origins of some of the Australian Defence Force's customs and traditions. Australia Remembers truly stands out like one of the tallest poppies in its field. (Romi Sharp, Just Kids Lit).'  (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Len Waters : Boundless and Born to Fly Catherine Bauer , Catherine Bauer (illustrator), Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2021 23972869 2021 single work information book children's

'Len Waters may have been born behind the gates of an Aboriginal reserve, but his big imagination and even bigger dreams took him soaring well beyond the reach of those who tried to confine him.

'Kamilaroi man, Len Waters, dreamed of taking to the skies. It was an unlikely dream at the time, but during WWII he beat the odds to become Australia’s first known Aboriginal fighter pilot. Rules and restrictions controlled much of Len’s early life. Born in the 1920s, Len had a basic education and life was lacking in luxury. But Len had a sharp mind. He had a boundless work ethic. Len also had big dreams and a family who supported them. Australia Remembers 3: Len Waters - Boundless and Born to Fly takes readers on Len Waters’ soaring journey from making his home-made model aeroplanes at his kitchen table, to flying RAAF fighter jets in the south west Pacific in World War II.' (Publication summary) 

y separately published work icon The Bombing of Darwin Tom Lewis , Tom Lewis (illustrator), Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2022 23972933 2022 single work information book children's


'The story of the biggest air raid in Australia’s history – the bombing of Darwin February, 1942.

'All young Australians should know the story of how our own nation was at war in World War II. Dr Tom Lewis OAM brings to life the history of the hundreds of air attacks Australians endured at the hands of the Japanese forces. Following on from his success with previous forensic accounts for adults, Australia Remembers 4: The Bombing of Darwin 1942 brings young readers all the essential facts.
'Read how Zero fighters battled American Kittyhawks; Betty bombers rained destruction from the skies, and Allied defenders battled bravely to defend Australia. '  (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Cameron Baird, VC, MG : Dedicated, Courageous and Born to Lead Allison Paterson , Allison Paterson (illustrator), Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2022 23972984 2022 single work information book children's

'For over a century, Australians have served their country in war and peacekeeping missions across the world. On Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, we continue to gather and remember those who fought for our country in the past, and those who keep us safe today. 

'In recent times, 41 Australian Defence Force personnel lost their lives whilst on duty in the conflict in Afghanistan. Cameron Baird, VC, MG is one such Australian who died in the service of his country. 

'Cameron was born to lead, inspiring others and gaining the respect of his peers. A dedicated soldier, Cameron’s leadership and courageous actions resulted in the award of the Medal of Gallantry in 2007-2008. In 2013, while on active service in Afghanistan, Cameron lost his life while attempting to rescue a wounded mate. His act of supreme sacrifice, valour and devotion to duty was recognised with the awarding of Australia’s highest battlefield honour – the Victoria Cross. 

'This is a story of Australian service in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a story of mateship, dedication, leadership and sacrifice, and one we should never forget.' (Publication summary)

y separately published work icon Wartime Nurses : Care and Compassion Jacqui Halpin , Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2022 24703515 2022

'For over 100 years Australia’s military nurses have been risking their own lives to save the lives of others. From nursing Gallipoli wounded in Egypt during World War I, to treating injured troops and civilians in modern day Afghanistan, with skill, devotion, and compassion these courageous nurses have cared for the casualties of war. 

'Australia Remembers 6: Care and Compassion – Wartime Nurses shines a light on the remarkable women, and later men, who have served, and continue to serve Australia and humanity during times of war, conflict and natural disasters. The hardships, dangers and sorrows they faced is made accessible to younger readers and highlights the outstanding contribution of these often-forgotten heroes. With historic photographs, quotes from past and present-day nurses, fascinating facts and medical breakthroughs, questions and fun activities, it provides engaging and informative reading for children, adults and educators. 

'Australia Remembers 6: Care and Compassion - Wartime Nurses ensures Australia’s military nurses will be remembered for the sacrifices they have made, the care they have given, and the lives they have saved. ' (Publication summary)

Newport : Big Sky Publishing , 2022 single work information book children's

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2018
Last amended 18 Oct 2024 12:24:56
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