Simon Tedeschi Simon Tedeschi i(23813125 works by)
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1 y separately published work icon ‘This Woman My Grandmother’ Simon Tedeschi Reads His 2022 Calibre Prize-winning Essay Simon Tedeschi , Peter Rose (presenter), 2022 24621003 2022 single work podcast 'Simon Tedeschi is one of Australia’s most renowned classical pianists. He commenced piano studies when he was six and gave his first concerto performance at the age of eight, at the Sydney Opera House. He has performed with all the major Australian state orchestras, as well as many overseas, and he has released a number of recordings through Sony and ABC Classics.' 

(Production introduction)

1 1 This Woman My Grandmother Simon Tedeschi , 2022 single work essay
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , May no. 442 2022; (p. 29-34)

'A decade before she died, my grandmother Lucy, whose Hebrew name was Leah but who was known to us as Nanna, decided to write her memoirs. English wasn’t her first language, let alone her second or third, so rather than write she chose to speak. When she was finished, the contents of eight cassette tapes were typed up and bound in blue plastic covers. Copies were made for both daughters and all five grandchildren, of whom I am the eldest.' (Introduction)

1 4 y separately published work icon Fugitive Simon Tedeschi , Perth : Upswell Publishing , 2022 23813145 2022 single work prose

'A beautiful work of the imagination, straddling history, memory, trauma and testimony

'In 1917, a young composer writes a suite of twenty pieces for piano. Each pass by like a gust of wind. They are short, violent and strange - the music of another world. In 1938, a young Jewish family flees Italy for Sydney, Australia. In 1942, another family, this time Polish, is nearly destroyed.

'Half a century later, a young man begins to understand the role the young composer's strange visions have played in everything that came before him and all that has come to be.

'In his first book, Simon Tedeschi applies elements - from history, memory and the body of the musician - to make a remarkable work of imagination and fractal beauty. He straddles the borders of poetry and prose, fiction and fact, trauma and testimony. Fugitive is filled with what Russian poet Konstantin Balmont called 'the fickle play of rainbows'.' (Publication summary)