'I walked confidently up the steps to the center of the stage. I know not everyone will like what I'm about to say but I have to say it anyway... on behalf of all the Muslim girls in the world... almost a billion of them... I have to pretend like my palms aren't sweating and my minds not racing... *gulp*
'Maryam Musa finds herself suddenly having to speak up on stage in front a huge audience at the SUPER popular Annual Girl Entrepreneurs event, hosted at the Grand Theatre, the most exclusive theatre in town! Have you ever been in a really uncomfortable position and everything's going wrong and then suddenly it ends up being the best thing that ever happened to you?
'Come along on this exciting journey with Maryam Musa as she navigates the inspiring Girl Entreprenuer Immersion program at HAMILTON ISLAND, wins a Hijab Life shopping spree with her friends and discovers that to change the world we ALL really have to work together.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.