Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas i(23588667 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 y separately published work icon Secret Diary of a Muslim Girl Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , Australia : Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , 2021- 23588700 2021 series - author children's fiction
1 y separately published work icon Hajj Diaries Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , Australia : Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , 2021 23588795 2021 single work children's fiction children's

'This year, for the first time in my life, I'm going to Hajj!

'Can you believe it?!

'I have so much to be grateful for and this journey of a lifetime is now just weeks away!

'Ughhh if only Nasrin from class wasn't going at the same time, in the same group!

'We don't see eye to eye on ANYTHING.

'Aunt Fatima always says, "The best time to go to Hajj is when you're young, so you can make powerful duas for all the amazing things you want to happen in your life." Apparently, that's the secret to her success in building her multi-million dollar business empire.

'Join Maryam Musa on this, once in a lifetime, epic journey as she prepares and trains and finally travels with her family to the Holiest lands on the planet. Maryam loses herself in the gleaming streets of Madina, stays overnight in the middle of the DESERT with millions of Hajj-goers at Muzdalifah and makes the most powerful duas of her life directly facing The Kaaba.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon The Eid Party Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , Australia : Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , 2021 23588909 2021 single work children's fiction children's

'Whenever Maryam asked if she could have a pet the answer was always a big fat hearty NO.

She tried sulking

She tried begging

She even tried threatening!

'As summer holidays come to an end Maryam learns about the power of dua, which seem to be coming true! at least some of them.

'School is starting again and in the lead up to Ramadhan, Maryam and her family learn about a new secret or two. Will Eid ever be the same again? Will the bunny onesie saga ever go away and are some bad things actually blessings in disguise?

'Join Maryam on another roller coaster journey through life at Al Imran Secondary College, girls campus, discovering the value of friendships, family and community.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Dream Island Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , Australia : Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , 2021 23588855 2021 single work children's fiction children's

'I walked confidently up the steps to the center of the stage. I know not everyone will like what I'm about to say but I have to say it anyway... on behalf of all the Muslim girls in the world... almost a billion of them... I have to pretend like my palms aren't sweating and my minds not racing... *gulp*

'Maryam Musa finds herself suddenly having to speak up on stage in front a huge audience at the SUPER popular Annual Girl Entrepreneurs event, hosted at the Grand Theatre, the most exclusive theatre in town! Have you ever been in a really uncomfortable position and everything's going wrong and then suddenly it ends up being the best thing that ever happened to you?

'Come along on this exciting journey with Maryam Musa as she navigates the inspiring Girl Entreprenuer Immersion program at HAMILTON ISLAND, wins a Hijab Life shopping spree with her friends and discovers that to change the world we ALL really have to work together.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Device Detox Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , Australia : Gulhan Eryegit Yoldas , 2021 23588727 2021 single work children's fiction children's

'Maryam Musa loves using her devices. A lot! Until one day her dad takes them all away and replaces them with this diary. Phone GONE! iPad GONE! Laptop GONE!

'Something weird is happening because suddenly EVERYONE from school stops communicating completely! Social media is totally DEAD!!

'These summer holidays are full of drama and chaos and life without devices is proving to be more interesting than Maryam or her twin brother David could've ever imagined. What dramas will unfold at Aunt Fatima's Henna Night and wedding? Does Maryam really get to meet the mysterious figure from her dream? Will family holidays at the Bellarine Peninsula ever be the same again? Maryam captures the whole story, even the shocking twist at the end!'

Source: Publisher's blurb.