Wendy Purcell Wendy Purcell i(23504163 works by)
Gender: Female
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'Wendy Purcell studied professional writing and editing some years ago but then got distracted by a career in nursing. She has got that out of her system and is now focussed on writing. This is her third short story to be published, a fourth is upcoming in the next issue of Vautrin. She lives with her husband on small acreage outside of Melbourne, Australia that she pretends is a great English estate, despite being burdened by a complete absence of servants. When not writing she likes to garden, sew impractical clothes and ride her bicycle, preferably not up hills.' (https://everydayfiction.com/thresholds-by-wendy-purcell/)

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Last amended 29 Nov 2021 16:17:38
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