y separately published work icon Griffith Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: Escape Routes
Issue Details: First known date: 2021... no. 74 2021 of Griffith Review est. 2003- Griffith Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2021 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Escape Rooms : Birds, Breakouts and Bell Jars, Ashley Hay , single work essay (p. 7-10)
Welcome, Kim Scott , single work short story (p. 11-24)
Soapi"hold, he prayed, and", Jodie Lea Martire , single work poetry (p. 25-26)
Americano Sal, Declan Fry , single work short story (p. 27-38)
Unaccompanied Minor : Growing up in Between, Madeleine Watts , single work autobiography (p. 41-50)
After Three Years in Australiai"I take for granted", Haley Zilberberg , single work poetry (p. 51)
The Menaced Assassin, Vijay Khurana , single work short story (p. 52-60)
Wildflowers, Peggy Frew , single work short story (p. 61-67)
Emily Presents, Alison Gibbs , single work short story (p. 68-81)
At the End of the Line, Beejay Silcox , single work autobiography (p. 82-89)
Reflecting Light, Megan McGrath , single work short story (p. 90-103)
Walk, Loki Liddle , single work short story (p. 104-108)
Vavan, Behrouz Boochani , single work short story (p. 111-117)
Speaking My Language, Natalie Kon-yu , single work prose (p. 118-128)
Pidgin, Shaun Tan , single work short story (p. 141-149)
The Night Sky from the Surface of Marsi"Well, first off, it’s not home.", Cate Kennedy , single work poetry (p. 150-151)
Moonwalking : When Other Worlds Belong to Women, Alice Gorman , single work prose (p. 152-162)
The Banksia Revolution : The New Alliance of Community and Capital, David Ritter , single work essay (p. 163-173)
Frederick the Greati"When he was young, Frederick the Great tried to flee his tyrannical father", Nicholas Mansfield , single work poetry (p. 174-175)
Away from the Edge : On the Road Where Stories Meet, Sally Breen , single work essay (p. 176-190)