Francisco Fonseca (International) assertion Francisco Fonseca i(23414134 works by)
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1 y separately published work icon When Grandpa Was the Moon Stuart French , Francisco Fonseca (illustrator), Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2022 26075465 2022 single work picture book children's

'When Grandpa leaves, where does he go? This raw and comforting book will bring a tear to your eye for all the right reasons. An essential book for anyone with grandparents.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon But Why? Elizabeth Pulsford , Francisco Fonseca (illustrator), Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2022 24983495 2022 single work picture book children's

'A visually stunning adventure story for every curious child who has ever asked the time-honoured question: "why?"

'This story is inspired by the boundless curiosity of children and dedicated to every parent whose mornings and nights are backing-tracked by the dulcet tones of "Why?" "But why?" "But Why?" "But why?" It follows Hazel Hare as she travels throughout the forest and implores her friends to help in her search for answers to some of life’s most challenging questions. What she discovers is truly illuminating.

'Visually stunning and poetically masterful, But Why? appeals to the boundless curiosity of young minds, whilst also captivating them through the most incredible artwork.

'A worthy bedtime story for the littlest of tots, or an imagination-fuelling mini-narrative even for your 10 year-old, this picture book has truly diverse appeal.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Just a Rabbit Priscilla Pho , Francisco Fonseca (illustrator), Park Orchards : Ethicool , 2020 23414157 2020 single work picture book children's