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13 y separately published work icon Wednesday Eva Amores , ( trans. Александър Христов with title Най-лошата седмица евър! СРЯДА ) Bulgaria : Прозорец , 2023 24819158 2022 single work children's fiction children's fantasy

'Justin Chase sure has, and this is it! Monday really socked, Tuesday blew up, but now it's ... Wednesday! His cat is still mysteriously missing. He's an unintentional internet sensation. And right now sharks are circling as he's stranded in a heart-stopping, skin-crawling, jaw-dropping, seriously shocking S.O.S situation with his unbelievably annoying arch-enemy!' (Publication summary)

18 y separately published work icon Tuesday Eva Amores , ( trans. Александър Христов with title Най-лошата седмица евър! ВТОРНИК ) Bulgaria : Прозорец , 2023 23601496 2022 single work children's fiction children's

'Have you ever had a bad week? Justin Chase sure has. And this is it! He barely made it through Monday, but now it's ... Tuesday! His cat is still missing, probably abducted by aliens. His dad is more embarrassing than ever. He's unexpectedly gone viral online in the worst possible way. And when school photo day collides with the Super Science Spectacular, it's destined to blow up into a hair-raising, teeth-shattering disaster of epic proportions!' (Publication summary)

22 y separately published work icon Monday Eva Amores , ( trans. Александър Христов with title Най-лошата седмица евър! ПОНЕДЕЛНИК ) Bulgaria : Прозорец , 2022 22435618 2021 single work children's fiction children's fantasy 'HAVE YOU EVER HAD A BAD WEEK?
Justin Chase sure has and THIS is it!
His mum has just married a vampire.
His dad is driving a giant toilet on wheels.
His cat has probably been abducted by aliens.
A psychotic bully is making his first day at a new school miserable.
And right now, he's hanging off the edge of a 10-metre high diving tower in front of his entire class, wearing nothing but rapidly disappearing crocheted swimmers.
And it's only... MONDAY!' (Publication summary)
18 3 y separately published work icon Star-Crossed : A Novel Minnie Darke , ( trans. Йолина Миланова with title Предречено от звездите ) Bulgaria : Прозорец , 2020 14975734 2019 single work novel romance

'A highly adorable and addictive love story that explores whether "the stars" can or should be a guide through life and what happens when one woman tries to give "the stars" a little help. 

'When childhood sweethearts Justine (Sagittarius and serious skeptic) and Nick (Aquarius and true believer) randomly bump into each other as adults, a life-changing love affair seems inevitable. To Justine anyway. True, she hasn't seen Nick in thirteen years, one month and three weeks, but who's counting? She's pined after him all the same, and now that Nick lives in the same town, a struggling actor to her struggling magazine reporter, he'll surely realize his own unchanged feelings, take the reins and jump at the chance to rekindle their relationship. Right? Well, no. Nick, she learns, is an astrological devotee, and his decision-making, romantic and professional, is guided solely by the infallible horoscopes in his favourite magazine. The magazine Justine happens to work at. Perhaps the stars' guiding forces could use a little journalistic reimagining?

'It's only a few tweaks to the Aquarius column, just a little push to get him to realize they're meant for one another. It's nonsense in the first place, what could possibly happen? Aquarians everywhere are about to find out, when the doctored horoscopes, ostensibly published to steer Nick and Nick alone, end up reverberating in the lives of the column's devoted readers, showing the ripple effects of what can happen when one woman decides to take the horoscopes, and Fate itself, into her own hands.

'Spanning exactly one year, as the earth moves through all twelve stars signs, Star-Crossed is a delicious, intelligent and affecting love story about fate, chance and how we all navigate the kinds of choices that are hard to face alone.' (Publication summary)