Francesca Capelli Francesca Capelli i(23117129 works by)
Gender: Female
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3 3 y separately published work icon Silhouette Thalia Kalkipsakis , ( trans. Francesca Capelli with title Scarlett ) Milan : Piemme , 2015 Z1874453 2012 single work novel young adult

'Scarlett Stirling is hardworking and fiercely ambitious. She loves the blisters and the strict regime of her dance classes at the National Academy of Performing Arts. Her life is measured and balanced. Perfect. But when Scarlett meets charismatic musician Moss, she enters another world - a world without restrictions - and is swept up in a heady whirlwind of sex, drugs and celebrity.

'Spread thin between her commitments and her desire to be with Moss, Scarlett pushes herself to the limit, unaware she's playing a dark game. Silhouette is not just another dance book. This gritty young adult novel follows the strong and determined Scarlett as she navigates her way from the safe, structured Academy into the adult world of commercial dance.' (Trove)