Killed or Sent to Australia single work   review  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Killed or Sent to Australia
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Authors of fiction draw on their lives and relationships to mimic the look, touch, and feel of real human experience—so much so that a person who has lived in proximity to an author, maybe as a lover or friend or child, can sometimes find an unexpected and embarrassing audit of their own faults, abilities, and shortcomings in the author's prose. It is an uncomfortable and seldomdiscussed consequence of creating art that so closely parallels lived reality: that real people tend to recognize themselves in it. In many ways, this premise is what propels the plot of Thomas Keneally's 2020 book The Dickens Boy , a work of historical fiction that reimagines the youngest son of the literary icon Charles Dickens and his adventures through the Australian Outback.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Antipodes vol. 34 no. 1 June 2020 22817380 2020 periodical issue

    'Before I wrote my first book, I didn't fully understand how the "editor" really worked. In shepherding that first book to publication, I had the good fortune and excellent guidance of Helen Tartar, longtime humanities editor at Stanford University Press, underappreciated there and in a fit of downsizing, forced to relocate to Fordham University Press, where she was given the means and the opportunity to flourish, especially in her forte, working with young scholars. My book had its particular fits and starts and a bit of a challenge getting past the review board. I'll never forget sitting with Helen at a book exhibit, probably at the American Comparative Literature Association annual convention, a moment of quiet while everyone was in sessions, and figuring out the last revisions to my manuscript. It wasn't a long conversation, or a demanding one, but somehow, she was working her magic. I left that convention knowing exactly what I needed to do, and I marveled at her ability to help me figure that out. At that point, I started to know what an editor could do, to understand when writers talked about "my editor" and all that this relationship implied.' (Brenda Machosky, From the Editor, introduction)

    pg. 150–151
Last amended 2 Sep 2021 08:13:41
150–151 Killed or Sent to Australiasmall AustLit logo Antipodes
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