Issue Details: First known date: 2021... 2021 [Review] Becoming John Curtin and James Scullin
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'In Becoming John Curtin and James ScullinThe Making of the Modern Labor Party, Liam Byrne imagines the early Australian Labor Party (ALP) as an organisation of “creative tension”, where policy was determined by ideological contests between socialists and moderate reformers, both sides sharing a commitment to progressive change and transformation through parliamentary action. Byrne wants the Labor Party today to rediscover and revive this culture, this capacity “to host alternative worldviews of commitment to social change within the structures of the party” (p. 171). His book is positioned as a contribution to contemporary debates within the ALP about the party's purpose and direction.'  (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Journal of Politics and History vol. 67 no. 1 March 2021 2021 22525777 2021 'This first issue of 2021 marks a new era for the Australian Journal of Politics and History. In addition to significant changes in editorial membership, the journal's long-standing affiliation with History and Political Science at the University of Queensland has also changed.' (Editorial introduction) 2021 periodical issue pg. 171-172
Last amended 2 Aug 2021 08:39:19
171-172 [Review] Becoming John Curtin and James Scullinsmall AustLit logo Australian Journal of Politics and History
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