y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... vol. 63 no. 9 September 2019 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Red Rhododendroni"She has signed the forms in her diffident hand,", Isi Unikowski , single work poetry (p. 18-19)
Freshwater Musselsi"Black half-shells edge out of the grey noisome mud or,", Francine Rochford , single work poetry (p. 19)
Ugo Rotellinii"(She was neat and focused, laughed a lot and", Ugo Rotellini , single work poetry (p. 25)
Tinnitusi"The hum of a powerful engine idling", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 50-51)
Amber Puppyi"What can an amber puppy mean in a world of Siris and driverless cars?", Libby Sommer , single work poetry (p. 51)
Muse-Wrestlingi"Starting as a mere arm wrestle,", Joe Dolce , single work poetry (p. 55)
The Martyred Motheri"I speak not of the other four children", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 61)
Little Endingsi"The spider’s mistake—", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 61)
Bellaggio, Lago Maggiorei"Sitting on a plastic chair outside a laundromat", Ugo Rotellini , single work poetry (p. 71)
Tae the Glowrin’ Ghoulies Intent on Filching the Private Letters of Poets Efter They Are Deidi"Ye critics, wha daur weet yer whistle", Tim Train , single work poetry (p. 75)
The First Sea Was a Soundi"The first sea was a sound. Islands floated there.", David Mason , single work poetry (p. 81)
Noel Hush 1924—2019, Max Bennett , Jeff Reimers , single work obituary
'Noel Hush, who died on March 20 at the age of ninety-four, was an Australian theoretical and computational chemist who became one of the great scientists of his times. He was also dedicated to the preservation of liberal and conservative values in Australian society, a political position he pursued through his membership of the board of directors of Quadrant since 1998. At a memorial service in the Great Hall at the University of Sydney on May 27, his friends and colleagues recalled his numerous achievements. We publish here tributes from Max Bennett and Jeff Reimers.' (Introduction)
(p. 82-85)
At the Gathering of the Stargazers, Cobar, NSWi"Once again you are driving out toward Broken Hill,", Dan Guenther , single work poetry (p. 85)
Helios of Rhodesi"Its sculptor, Charles of Lindos,", Joe Dolce , single work poetry (p. 86)
Verbal Castles, Ivan Head , single work review
— Review of Etiquette with Angels Andrew Bullen , 1992 selected work poetry ; Catching the Light Suzanne Edgar , 2019 selected work poetry ; An Inherited Epic of Gilgamesh : A Poetic Memoir Dedicated to James McAuley Graeme Hetherington , 2019 selected work poetry ; The Gang of One : Selected Poems of Robert Harris Robert Harris , 2019 selected work poetry ; Long-distance Poet : (A Portrait of the Poet as an Old Fart) Edwin Wilson , 2019 selected work poetry ;
(p. 87-90)
John Murphy’s Black Bitchi"John Murphy’s black bitch was skittled today;", Francine Rochford , single work poetry (p. 92)
God Dreamingi"The universe is finished. I can rest.", Ugo Rotellini , single work poetry (p. 105)
Indicate, Mate, Joanna Beresford , single work short story (p. 105-110)
Renewali"To walk", Libby Sommer , single work poetry (p. 110)