Jonathan Rivas Lemus Jonathan Rivas Lemus i(21217140 works by)
Gender: Male
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'Jonathan Rivas Lemus is a Salvadoran-Australian aspiring poet and writer. Born and raised in the western suburbs of Melbourne, his heritage has been a big part of who he is. Growing up in a large family, who migrated to Australia in 1991, his parents instilled in him and his siblings to speak, read and write in Spanish. Having grown up listening to stories told from both his parents about El Salvador, he fell in love with that far away country across the Pacific. Having studied Professional Writing and Editing at Vic Uni, this permitted him to hone his writing and poetry skills. Mostly writing poetry about love and heartbreaks, he also writes about self-love and identity in both English and Spanish.' (

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Last amended 4 Mar 2021 09:17:09
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