The One Who Walks the Permanent Way single work   short story   science fiction  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... 2018 The One Who Walks the Permanent Way
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon A Hand of Knaves Leife Shallcross (editor), Chris Large (editor), Canberra : CSFG Publishing , 2018 15588225 2018 anthology short story

    'Rogues, thieves, pirates and ne'er-do-wells abound in speculative fiction. Sometimes heroic, sometimes villainous, often somewhere in between, rogues are as likely to steal one's heart as one's purse, and show little remorse while helping themselves to either.

    'So why do we love them? Because they're imperfect, fallible, and even vulnerable under that carefully-maintained, world-weary exterior.

    'Rogues represent something we rarely see in our daily lives: ordinary people prepared to take on the "powers that be" by way of guile and subterfuge. But are they only in it for the loot, or are they--deep down--romantic at heart?'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    Canberra : CSFG Publishing , 2018
    pg. 261-269
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