Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 'It Was a Cracker' : Listening in to Youth Audiences, Regional and Urban, with Show Reports
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'Show Reports provided by Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) from their touring schools shows between 2017 and 2019, and an interview with Drew discussing her memories of audience responses to these performances, contribute to better understanding of the impact of theatre in young people's lives in regional Victoria. Using discourse analysis, I examine here the variations between regional and urban young audiences in the commentary available in these Show Reports, in order to suggest that they provide qualitative data of significance to audience research. In researching young audiences, Willmar Sauter states that young people aged under twenty 'are more interested in the fictional story presented on stage, whereas interest in the actors and staging increases steadily with the age of the spectator'. Elizabeth Belfiore and Oliver Bennett have also contended that theatre-goers become more sophisticated 'in their appreciation' of theatre with age, as they develop more concrete skills in decoding cultural artefacts. This framing of cultural sophistication, which Belfiore and Bennett directly link to Pierre Bourdieu's idea of 'cultural capital', is used to explain differences in access and appreciation of cultural commodities. Bourdieu is commonly drawn into discussions of how young people do or do not engage with theatre because of his influential ideas about social formation and differentiation, which makes cultural capital particularly useful to this discussion on the varieties of audience response. THE STAGE MANAGER: In 2009, Helen Freshwater recognised that the previous 'dearth' of empirical studies privileging the audience had shifted, identifying a trend in other disciplines to focus on the active audience voice. From the perspective of Kirsty Sedgman, Theatre Studies must ask what 'good' theatre audience research might look like. For some researchers, such as Matthew Reason, this involves using surveys or post-performance workshops where the experiences of participants are examined through visual, oral, written and performance-based activities. While access to the experience of young people is vital to any reception study, the responses collected in a workshop model require careful ethics clearance, resulting in reduced numbers of research participants. [...] data can also be influenced by young people's tendency towards what John Tulloch describes as the 'red pen effect' - an expectation of pleasing the researcher that can lead to compromised results. On the other hand, although many audiences obey the 'rules' of theatre, not all young people are aware of these rules and may act more freely - at times calling out, booing and commenting as they might at other social, cultural and sporting events. I have suggested above that Drew be considered an audience expert because the Show Reports provide detailed data about audiences.' (Publication abstract)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australasian Drama Studies Regional Theatre in Australia no. 77 October 2020 21039143 2020 periodical issue

    'The inquiry came on the back of an effective shutdown of most work in the creative sector as a result of social distancing restrictions and lockdowns imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March, and of extensive debate about the Australian Government's reluctance to offer a dedicated financial support package to an industry that, by the government's own estimates, contributed $111.7 billion in 2016/17, or 6.4 per cent of GDP. The terms of reference for the inquiry appeared accordingly broad: 'The Committee will inquire into Australia's creative and cultural industries and institutions including, but not limited to, Indigenous, regional, rural and community based organisations'. More broadly, the frustrations of lockdown, a newfound capacity to work remotely, loss of income, and the more general reassessment of life choices and lifestyle that COVID-19 provoked all resulted in an unprecedented net population loss in Australia's big cities, with an October 2020 Ipsos poll finding that one in ten Melburnians were considering a move to regional Victoria. Meanwhile, among the very limited federal stimulus offered to the arts in the early months of the pandemic was a $27 million 'Targeted Support' package in April, which directed $10 million to the music industry, $7 million to Indigenous arts, and $10 million 'to help regional artists and organisations develop new work and explore new delivery models'. In short, while COVID-19 has arguably reconfigured the Australian arts landscape, and the ways in which we understand where arts happens, it also made visible changes that were already occurring, particularly outside major metropolitan centres. Recommendation 1 was that 'the Federal Government increase its investment in building enabling infrastructure to improve connectivity, key services and amenity through coordinated regional plans', while Recommendation 13 anticipated further work on 'the cultivation of social, cultural and community capital'.5 This initiative built in turn on existing trends. Australia's enormous size continues to present major practical challenges when it comes to touring on the one hand, or building and sustaining arts infrastructure on the other. [...]the high-profile shift in the funding narrative over 2020 towards the regions, as well as the obligatory pivot towards the digital environment, has not entirely done away with a metropolitan funding bias, which is most apparent in the fact that the city-based Major Performing Arts organisations receive a disproportionate amount of the federal funding pie.' (Editorial introduction)

    pg. 244-272, 383
Last amended 1 Feb 2021 16:34:31
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