A Poem for My Daugther [sic] in a Time of Global Pandemic single work   poetry   "No we can’t go to the zoo today Chickie Z, not the pool or the library either."
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 A Poem for My Daugther [sic] in a Time of Global Pandemic
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Authora Australis Empty Spaces no. 1 2020 20944968 2020 periodical issue

    'The theme of the issue was conceived at the time of the “first lockdown” in Australia, and with what was perhaps a misplaced optimism for swift resolution. Journals around the world have raced to publish “COVID-themed” works, but as the pandemic has lingered stubbornly on, it looks increasingly as though this will become a slow walk. COVID-19 will no doubt influence art for many years. Accordingly, these are perhaps just the first of many works reflecting on isolation, distance and emptiness.' (Editorial introduction)

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