y separately published work icon Verity La periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... November 2020 of Verity La est. 2010 Verity La
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* Contents derived from the , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Piccaninny Gorgei"He paints his Ngarranggarni Dreaming", Brenda Saunders , single work poetry
How the Angels Covet Heaveni"Perhaps we were birds once, in another life,", Damen O'Brien , single work poetry
Four Oceans, Toby Davidson , sequence poetry
Turn Backi"You have come in the least", Toby Davidson , single work poetry
Indian Pacific, Toby Davidson , single work poetry
Loud, Georgia Rose Phillips , single work short story
First Kissi"My first kiss was framed by rusty corrugated iron walls and", Trixi Rosa , single work poetry
Writing the River : Reviews Robert Adamson’s Reaching Light, Robbie Coburn , single work
— Review of Reaching Light : Selected Poems Robert Adamson , 2020 selected work poetry ;

'I have been considering how it would feel to read Robert Adamson’s work for the first time through this book, remembering the first time I read him as a teenager, and how it changed me and my understanding of what poetry could do. In my initial reading of Reaching Light, selected and introduced by American poet and editor Devin Johnston and published by Chicago’s wonderful Flood Editions, I was struck by its depth, beauty, and the same power I felt on reading Adamson’s poetry for the first time. The sheer amount of ground and time the volume covers is immediately and acutely felt by the reader. There has always been a searching quality to Adamson’s work — Johnston describes him in his introduction as a ‘restless’ poet. Here, we witness a poet working at the height of his powers who has never stopped reinventing himself or his practice, who has uncompromisingly mined art and life for poetry and beauty, and who, in doing so, has found meaning in both the human and natural worlds.' (Introduction)

A Thin Stream of Black Ink, Catherine Hanrahan , single work short story
Whose Voice? On Identity Politics and Publishing, Sangeetha Thanapal , single work criticism

'Diversity in publishing has come under intense scrutiny these past five years. The yawning difference between the number of white authors and authors of colour — as well as the startling pay disparities between them— has evoked a concerted effort to examine racism within the industry.' (Introduction)

Hustling the Hustlers, Jenny Hedley , single work essay
Over Olive and Tini"I swallow this impatient country like a testament to Adam,", Bilal Hafda , single work poetry
Filled with Memories, Brooke Maddison , single work short story
Michele Seminara Launches Sara Dowse’s West Block, Michele Seminara , single work essay
An Except From West Block, Sara Dowse , extract novel
Bildungsroman, Jen Webb , single work prose
Sea Country, Sophie Finlay , sequence poetry
Wax and Wanei"deep in the trench", Sophie Finlay , single work poetry
Sea-country, Sophie Finlay , single work poetry
Zooxanthellaei"diadems spill with echoes", Sophie Finlay , single work poetry