Apple Picking in Plague Time single work   poetry   "The sky is free from planes"
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Apple Picking in Plague Time
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Plumwood Mountain : An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics vol. 7 no. 2 October 2020 20897187 2020 periodical issue

    'Over a period of several months in 2020 most of us lived through a slowing and restriction of movements, unprecedented in global scale, as we complied with extreme ‘social distancing’ measures in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Some referred to this period as the Great Pause: empirically measured in the 17% drop in daily global CO₂ emissions from last year’s mean. How did we take its qualitative measure?' (Jonathan Skinner, Introduction)

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