Tea single work   poetry   "I watch their hands pluck the two green eyes"
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Tea
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    y separately published work icon TEXT Special Issue Website Series Indian-Australian Exchanges through Collaborative Poetic Inquiry no. 60 October 2020 20757143 2020 periodical issue

    'Poetry, it seems to me, raises the questions of margins and marginality in obvious ways … and yet poetry is central in terms of its contribution to language and thought. (Hecq 2005)

    'Liminality indicates a border, a line, and thus some style of crisis – some turn, or act of turning, of crossing from one place or state to another (Meads 2019: 5). It is the discovery of a limit, and simultaneously, realisation that the limit is not the end. There is always some further into and through which to step. What seems a wall is a skin is an interstice is warping, stretching, porous. Like the ‘/’ in the ‘im/possible’ and ‘both/and’, such lines are zones, spaces, gaps for opening and unfolding, sites for play and experimentation, for testing, dreaming, discovering. The liminal is thus imbued with potential: hitherto-unthought thoughts become articulable, letting new knowledges and ways of knowing come to be (Meads 2019: 5-6).' (Jaydeep Sarangi and Amelia Walker, (Introduction)

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