y separately published work icon Neos Kosmos newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... October 2020 of Neos Kosmos est. 1957- Neos Kosmos
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* Contents derived from the , 2020 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Underwog : Migrant Integration and Influence in Postwar Australia, George Megalogenis , Natasha Cica (interviewer), single work interview
'Journalist, author and political commentator George Megalogenis has made a unique contribution to Australian conversations  about migration, politics and our shared potential.  He first met Nuasha Cica — the guest co-editor of The European Exchange in 2003. She heard George speaking on ABC radio in Melbourne about his newly published first book Fault Lines: Race. Work, and the Politics of Changing Australia (Scribe), and interviewed him for a story about Australia's race politics for the South China Morning Post. Since then, the two have kept talking on this topic. They caught up for another instalment over lunch at this year's Adelaide Writers' Week in March. This edited transcript of their discussion explores Megalogenis' latest thinking about blow contemporary Australia has been shaped by the experiences of European migration.' (Introduction) 
Note: with title : Underwogs: George Megalogenis explores Australia’s multi generational migrant experience
Nick Cave : ‘You Greeks Are the Best’, single work column
Kids Craving for a Greek Holiday? This Language Learning Book Could Fill the Gap through Imagination, single work column

'Through her debut publishing endeavour, Androula Matthews hopes to help visual learners connect with Greek language and culture, and offer a fun guide for all into the typical Greek summer holiday experience.' (Introduction)

My Life in Lockdown : Q and A with George Kapiniaris, single work interview