Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Place, Placelessness and David Malouf’s Meditation on the Dual Meaning of Possession : Is Haunting or Being Haunted Only about Expiation of Colonial Sins?
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Commonwealth : Essays and Studies Place and Placelessness in Postcolonial Short Fiction vol. 42 no. 2 2020 20328056 2020 periodical issue

    'In postcolonial contexts marked by multiple forms of displacement and replacement, this issue examines the ambivalent value of placelessness. Another word for dislocation and dispossession, placelessness can also be approached as a force resisting the desire to lock things into place, leading to creative re-inscriptions and reinventions. Through its characteristic reticence, short fiction offers a privileged means to register fractures that take place and yet cannot necessarily be traced – events both impossible to negate and impossible to locate. Open and flexible, the short story also accommodates experiments that demonstrate the vital role of storytelling in the making of place.' (Publication abstract)


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