Joyce Kornblatt Joyce Kornblatt i(19983968 works by)
Gender: Female
Heritage: American
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'Joyce Kornblatt lives and writes in the Blue Mountains NSW. An American-born novelist who moved to Australia in 2003, she is the author of four well-reviewed novels — Nothing to Do with LoveBreaking BreadWhite Water and The Reason for Wings — which have been published in the US, England, France, Denmark and Germany. Her short stories, essays and book reviews have appeared in publications such as The Atlantic MonthlyThe New York Times,The Washington PostGeorgia ReviewIowa Review and The Sydney Morning Herald. She has received an O. Henry Short Story Award, grants in the US from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a summer-long residency at the D.H. Lawrence Ranch. 

'For 20 years, she was a Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Maryland in the US. In Australia she has taught and supervised post-graduate students at UTS and University of Wollongong. She has been a tutor at Varuna the Writers’ House, mentored a number of award-winning Australian writers and has for many years offered annual year-long private writing workshops in Sydney. '

Source: publisher's bio

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Last amended 31 Aug 2020 14:36:04
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