'The magical realism book series, Into the Abyss, takes a young, unassuming Australian woman and plunges her back through time rifts: into Shakespeare’s classic plays.
'Harriet Hunter arrives first in Verona, where she quickly realises that she is somehow living the life of a woman long before her own time. While she wrestles with the prejudices of society and the traditional roles of women, she races against time to change the classical tragic ending.
'Featuring an Australian female protagonist, Vault of Verona fractures the classic story of Romeo and Juliet, bringing it into the 21st Century and altering a tragic ending.
'The classic Shakespearean love tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, is a tale of forbidden love, feuding families and tragic endings. Book One of the Into the Abyss series, Vault of Verona, demonstrates how just one decision can have a butterfly effect felt throughout time.'
(Source: publisher's blurb)