We Made This Desert single work   poetry   "i’m your king"
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 We Made This Desert
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Voiceworks Butter no. 119 Winter 2020 19811611 2020 periodical issue 'This is a cliché, but time feels very fast and slow this year. I thought about this a lot during Ramadan. Watching the sun across the day and the moon across the month. Feeling time in when I woke up, when I started feeling hunger pangs, when I had to lower my blinds so the sun wouldn’t give me a headache. The lunar calendar comes out of sync with the solar one a little more each year. I feel a renewed sense of grief for my friend who died shortly before Eid a few years ago. The actual anniversary of her death isn’t for another three weeks.' (Adayla Nash Hussein , Editorial introduction) 2020 pg. 100-102
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