Holidays with Men single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 2020... 2020 Holidays with Men
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Blueberries Ellena Savage , Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2020 17948183 2020 selected work prose

    'BLUEBERRIES could be described as a collection of essays, the closest term available for a book that resists classification: a blend of personal essay, polemic, prose poetry, true-crime journalism and confession that considers a fragmented life, reflecting on what it means to be a woman, a body, an artist. It is both a memoir and an interrogation of memoir. It is a new horizon in storytelling.

    'In crystalline prose, Savage explores the essential questions of the examined life: what is it to desire? What is it to accommodate oneself to the world? And at what cost?'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2020
    pg. 115-129
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