'TWO days before the murder, Larry Kent was sitting in a night club “watching the dames dance by.”
'A gambler friend, Lloyd Marble, hails him and they swap notes about women and such, the “such” including a nice little game of poker in which Lloyd had taken Sam Aarons, an unsavoury character, for £30,000. Sam has to delay settling by giving Lloyd a promissory note at 60 days for £30,000.
'The next time Kent sees Lloyd, he is surrounded by a lot of people—at his funeral.
'The promissory note is, of course, missing, and as Kent liked Lloyd quite a lot, and hates crime, he gets on the job without fee —and quite a job it proves.'
Source: 'Commercial Radio Plays for Next Week', ABC Weekly, 30 September 1950, p.27.
Produced by 2UE on Wednesday 4 October 1950, from 9pm.
Cast: Ken Wayne (Larry Kent), with Deryck Barnes, Dennis Glenny, Edward Smith, Georgie Sterling, and Russell Jarrett.