'WHEN a street photographer showed Larry Kent, the Crime Investigator, a candid shot, Kent had it published as a competition to identify “the man with whiskers’’ in the background of the photograph.
'Helen Jeffreys sent in a correct entry, but was found murdered be fore she could collect the prize.
'A Canberra special agent contacts Kent and explains that the bewhiskered individual was a wartime traitor who is about to hand over to the headquarters of a subversive organisation plans which could cause a world cataclysm.
'At a low night-club where Helen had worked, one of her club girl friends tells Kent that the bewhiskered fellow-traveller had given Helen a blue brooch as a present.
'Kent locates the shop which sold the brooch, and from a chance remark by the shopgirl secures a vital clue. He gets in touch with the head of the subversive organisation, and, at the same time, far more trouble than he ever bargained for.'
Source: 'Commercial Radio Plays for Next Week', ABC Weekly, 1 July 1950, p.27.
Broadcast on 2UE on Wednesday 5 July 1950, from 8:30pm.
Cast: Ken Wayne (Larry Kent), with Guy Doleman, Dennis Glenny, Ivan Vander, Dinah Shearing, Betty McDowell, Sue Rogers, Alan Herbert, Frank Waters, and Alma Butterfield.