'This chapter, like others in this book, contributes to the conversations underway within the Treaty Think Tank. It draws from experiences in the Torres Strait with the aim of speaking to some of the issues raised by members of the Think Tank and other contributors to Treaty conversations.33 Whilst the Torres Strait context provides no clear way through any of the issues it does perhaps provide substance to the issues involved in negotiating and developing models for political autonomy or governance in a regional context. The Torres Strait example illustrates how the issues, as discussed and understood by both parties (Islanders and governments), are anchored both in principles (for example rights) and practicalities (for example how to achieve better representation and determination of Islander interests, better control over local resources and better delivery of externally funded services into the region). But it is the task of developing processes and mechanisms to deliver both and satisfy all interests that is the real difficulty in the Torres Strait and with the current Treaty process.' (Introduction)