y separately published work icon Stilts periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... no. 3 December 2018 of Stilts est. 2018 Stilts
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Rileys Coasti"Wind thwacks the spinnakers as ropes are pulled", Judith Beveridge , single work poetry
Edificei"For twenty years, I’ve been breaking my jaw on the laws", Gavin Yuan Gao , single work poetry
Intangible Asseti"The novelist ripped", Bonny Cassidy , single work poetry
The Swimmeri"It comes from an unknown place, this mystery,", Andy Kissane , single work poetry
Closet Mirrori"Mostly it waits inside, nestled with the apparel, padded hangers,", Maria Takolander , single work poetry
Body as Treei"argent tendrils lift", Anne Elvey , single work poetry
A History of Western Lookingi"In a room, 1898", Mark Anthony Cayanan , single work poetry
A Cheekbone for You to Climb Overi"There were nights you ate grass,", Rico Craig , single work poetry
Sunday Comingi"days reel me in", Holly Friedlander Liddicoat , single work poetry
Heirloomi"i never troubled about living or dying", Anne Casey , single work poetry
A Brief Language of Crowsi"at dawn, crows chew colloquial news, how", Scott-Patrick Mitchell , single work poetry
Hotel Paris, Philip Neilsen , single work poetry
Great Fishi"In recent news, nineteenth-century", Anna Jacobson , single work poetry
Old Spellsi"Fetish of a gull’s bones", Jane Frank , single work poetry