'DANNY was young, but he was a "smart cookie," or that is what they all called him in the fight game. He knew what he wanted and how he intended getting it, all he needed was a good fighter. He knew the angles to build a fighter into a champion, and in that class lay the money. Danny only had one fighter to manage, a prelim. boy by the name of Rick. They were good friends. That is why Rick brought his pal Skinny along to see Danny. Although he looked as though a good puff of wind would blow him over, Skinny had the weaving, pugnacious style that spelt class to Danny. Here, thought Danny, is my chance, and he worked furiously with Skinny and Rick building them up, and losing his gentleness in the process, becoming ruthless. That is where trouble stepped in.'
Source: 'For Next Week', ABC Weekly, 26 May 1951, p.13.
Broadcast on 2UE on 29 May 1951, from 8:30pm.
Cast: Charles Tingwell, John Hansberry, John Cazabon, Paul McNaughton, John Ewert, Dennis Glenny, Donald Crosby, and Guy Doleman.